Kayak & Macro Tour

October 2023 | Bellingen, NSW, Australia

A guided kayak tour for young people in the Bellingen Shire.

Participants joined Anton, Kaleb, Sam and the team from Bellingen Canoe Adventures on a 13km kayak trip up the Bellinger River learning about the significance of our river systems, strategies to safeguard them, and became aware of the challenges that our river ecosystems face. Participants were also taught macroinvertebrate sampling techniques and got to uncover the hidden world of waterbugs beneath the water they were kayaking on.

  • "The experience was fast paced and highly enjoyable. Excellent for connecting to nature and each other."

    - Participant

  • "I really gained some valuable knowledge relating to the health of water systems."

    - Participant

  • "It was so crazy being able to see all the bugs!"

    - Participant


of participants felt more connected to their local environment.


of participants felt that they learnt new skills.

Outputs and Outcomes

  • 1 event

  • 15 participants

Project Partners


Camp.ME | 2-day event | 29 participants


Ancient Futures Hub Open Day | 1 event | 200 participants